Family Therapy / Child Therapy

Families today face numerous pressures including difficulties figuring out the best parenting strategies to use, poor communication skills, long-standing jealousies and resentments between family members, unresolved conflicts that get passed from one generation to the next, financial concerns, and the stress of trying to juggle work and home life demands. The challenges of trying to hold it altogether are further heightened for families who also are coping with health problems, the stress of divorce and/or remarriage, or struggled with abuse, addictions, and exposure to discrimination.

When the pressure on families becomes too much, children or adolescents often develop symptoms. They may become more and more depressed and withdrawn, sometimes they develop eating disorders or engage in self-harming behaviors, their school work may suffer, or they may become increasingly angry and defiant which may result in behaviors like fighting, stealing or using drugs. All of this can leave parents feeling overwhelmed, confused, angry and fearful. It is at times like these that support from a skillful therapist can be a lifeline.

Good Family Therapy can

  • Teach more effective parenting strategies
  • Improve family communication skills
  • Resolve hurtful conflicts and tensions
  • Increase a sense of closeness and trust
  • Clarify appropriate roles and behaviors
  • Promote a clear, healthy structure and the appropriate use of power and authority
  • Re-shape troubling child and adolescent behaviors
  • Help children who may be struggling with the effects of a separation, divorce and/or re-marriage
  • Support parents in more effectively negotiating parenting issues with an ex-partner or ex-spouse
Additionally, Child Therapy can serve as a powerful complement to Family Therapy . It allows the therapist to devote concentrated energy on  redirecting specific thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are linked to the difficulties a child may be having, and to provide targeted support and comfort.

Please contact us today so we can begin the process of helping you, your child/children, and your family to heal what hurts.

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